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Flyers Varsity Basketball Defeats #8 Team In Nation

#17 Nationally ranked RHI Turnstone Varsity (High School age) Division wheelchair basketball team took on the Top teams in the nation this weekend at the Whitewater, WI Northern Regional.

Turnstone defeated #8 LWSRA Hawks 57-13 and had a tight 49-53 loss to #19 Nebraska Red Dawgs. The kids also took on #3 Cincinnati, #5 Kansas City, and #10 Dallas in hard-fought losses

Tournament Stats:

  • Kimberly Perry 4 Points, 1 Rebound, 2 Fouls
  • Kaiden Schaf 82 Points, 5 Steals, 11 Rebounds, 6 Assists, 6 Fouls
  • Ashlyn Olnick 18 Points, 3 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 4 Fouls
  • Cole Connelley 54 Points, 3 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 1 Fouls
  • Mackenzie Haag 16 Points, 9 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 4 Fouls
  • Chloe Salsubury 4 Points, 5 Rebounds, 2 Fouls
  • Joshua Pierce 21 Points, 1 Steal, 12 Rebounds, 1 Assist, 6 Fouls

Tournament Results:

  • Won 57-13 vs #8 LWSRA
  • Loss 28-63 vs #5 Kansas City Kings
  • Loss 49-53 vs #19 Nebraska Red Dawgs
  • Loss 25-51 vs #10 Dallas Jr. Mavs
  • Loss 40-64 vs #3 Cincinnati Dragons
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