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Client Stories, General, Volunteering

Tom Gives Possibilities

Tom has been familiar with Turnstone for over six years. As a Physicians’ Assistant, he had a handful of patients who came to Turnstone for services and support. However, it wasn’t until January 2022, after he retired, that he decided to check Turnstone out for himself and get involved.

Give Possibility graphic with photo of Tom Hunter smiling, sitting in a manual wheelchair and giving a thumbs up after finishing his Fort4Fitness race. On the graphic, it says

“I decided that it was time to get out and find activities to keep myself busy during retirement years and so I thought I would come over here and see what they had available,” recalls Tom. Tom found endless opportunities to try new things and a community of people to motivate him.

He met with Turnstone’s Manager of Sports and Rec and got started assisting with the Flyers, Turnstone’s competitive Wheelchair Basketball team. As Tom discovered more sports opportunities outside of Wheelchair Basketball, he felt compelled to try them all as an athlete and give back by also becoming a regular volunteer.

“Being out here playing wheelchair basketball and all the different sports, makes you feel like a kid again,” Tom smiled.

At the same time he started volunteering, Tom discovered Turnstone’s fitness center and was blown away. He immediately knew he wanted to become a member, especially since he was already spending a lot of time at Turnstone. He enjoyed the welcoming environment and the staff who encouraged him to push himself beyond what he thought possible.

Tom has always led an active life. As a kid, he played a variety of sports including basketball and baseball. He became ill when he was 15 and stopped playing sports, but kept pushing himself to be active in alternative ways. Despite his diagnosis, which would likely require him to use a wheelchair eventually, he maintained his active lifestyle by riding his bike to work every day and working out in other recreation centers.

“I never got the same welcoming feeling as I do when I come to Turnstone,” Tom said. “I thought, why didn’t I do this years before? Nobody is judging you here. Everybody is giving it their all. Turnstone gives more than just physical growth, it is mental growth and being a part of a caring community.”

Once he started to work out at Turnstone, it built up his interest and confidence to participate in challenges such as Push, Paddle, Pedal and Fort4Fitness. He trained for FortFitness at Turnstone with a training partner this year. Originally, he was aiming to participate in the 4-mile race in his manual wheelchair, but as he progressed and was pushed by the trainers, he decided that he wanted to do the 10k race.

“The experience of that race was so uplifting. All the people around wished me well and I was cheering them on too. The comradery was great!” said Tom. “The Turnstone family was there to cheer each other on too.” After such a positive experience, his goal for next year is to train for the mini marathon or the Triple Crown.

Tom has found many opportunities to become involved at Turnstone not only as a client but also as a volunteer and advocate. Though Turnstone helped Tom discover all the new things he can do, Tom has gone above and beyond with his constant support and encouraging others to join him. We are grateful for the time that he gives back to create possibilities. Tom empowers his Turnstone community by trying new things, pushing the boundaries, and dedicating his time to serve others. Thank you, Tom!

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