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Client Stories, General, Volunteering

KC's Story

For as long as KC can remember, Turnstone has been a vital part of his life. He started out as a client at Turnstone over 30 years ago when he received weekly physical and occupational therapy and attended the Kimbrough Early Learning Center. And, today KC is a Turnstone volunteer, past client, and an important member of the Turnstone Family.

Early on, KC’s therapists played a critical role in not only providing the services he needed, but also instilling an optimistic attitude and confidence in his abilities. One specific memory of a poster that used to hang in the therapy wing at Turnstone titled “1,000 Cans for Every Can’t” continues to encourage him. KC said they would pass this every session and it was always a subtle reminder for him to keep trying. The poster’s caption went on to say, “People with disabilities can do most everything. They can play. They can work. They can learn. So don’t concentrate on what they can’t do, when there are thousands of things they can.”

With this small daily reminder hanging in front of him and his therapists’ support, KC learned the importance of using his individual talents to help others. Through the realization of his abilities, he felt empowered to become a volunteer and an advocate for his friends and other people with disabilities. Along the way, his therapists and parents helped him discover one of his own major strengths - determination. Through volunteering and advocacy, he has since discovered an entire community he can encourage to never give up.

One of KC’s favorite memories is when a friend from Ohio attended a communication camp with him. He was able to show his friend around Turnstone where they discovered an accessible bike that would fit his friend’s needs. His friend had never had a bike he could use before and was elated to find one he could ride. He was even able to get the same bike he tried out at Turnstone for his home in Ohio.

KC’s go-getter attitude has also allowed him to find many ways to be involved within the community. He spends time volunteering at Turnstone weekly to pick up the recycling, collect papers for shredding, and drive the sweeper around the Plassman Athletic Center Fieldhouse. During special event season, you’ll always find KC in the thick of things - helping with set up and tear down and he always brings friends to help along with him.

It is important to KC to be involved in the community because that is where he finds his purpose. KC continues to advocate for people with disabilities because he chooses to embrace his abilities, share his talents, and get involved in the community; demonstrating his “cans” every day. KC empowers his community through his volunteer work and advocacy for others with disabilities, and by showing the world around him that there are 1,000 cans for every can’t.

If you want to make a gift to support KC and the rest of the Turnstone family this giving season, visit our Give Possibility page.

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