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Parents & Caregivers, Client Stories, General

Fatima's Story

Fatima’s parents were excited to find Turnstone. Her doctor had recommended Turnstone when she wasn’t making typical progress in her development. She needed occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy, and Turnstone was a place where she could receive all three services under the same roof.

When Fatima first began her therapies, she refused toys. Now, after only a year and a half, she loves to play. Thanks to having access to specialized and compassionate care, Fatima has gained courage and confidence from therapists who are invested in her growth.

Fatima’s dad shared that her progress has come from developing a personal relationship with her therapists. She has gained courage and confidence because they have been invested in her growth.

He said, “They took us in like family and showed interest in really helping Fatima.”

When COVID-19 halted in-person therapy at Turnstone, Fatima’s parents found that the advancements she was making stalled. The individualized attention Fatima received in person at Turnstone was essential to her progress. Engagement with her therapists gives her focus and momentum that can’t be replicated elsewhere.

Because of supporters like you, Turnstone was able to adjust operations with enhanced COVID safety precautions. These adaptations allowed Fatima to safely return to working directly with her therapists and the resources available to her at Turnstone.

Developmental delays can be a frustrating experience for any child, but with the patience of Fatima’s therapists, she has learned to walk, run, and understand her family members’ communication. With therapists that believe in her abilities, Fatima’s family has seen improvement in her attitude and behavior.

In fact, her therapists were the first to recommend that she spend more time with children her age. Today, she is thriving in her preschool class and gets excited to learn and play, making more childhood memories every day.

Your gifts to Turnstone guarantee that limitations are removed for children like Fatima. At Turnstone, Fatima has the opportunity to focus on her strengths and capabilities with therapists who believe in her.

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