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Empowering Andre

Due to a severe asthma attack that happened when he was 17, Andre had to conquer some huge obstacles that altered his life forever.

Andre using the chest fly weight machine and EJ smiling at him and coaching him

During the attack, he quit breathing for 13 minutes, which caused him to lose his sight and put him in a coma for three weeks. At the time, Andre didn’t know that Turnstone would be such a big part of his future, all he could see was a long road ahead.

After waking up, he had to learn how to talk, swallow, and get around in a wheelchair without any vision. Though it took time and work to recover, Andre has kept the same upbeat, grateful and easygoing attitude that he had prior to the attack. He came home from the hospital in February 1993. “I live every day for what it’s worth because tomorrow is not guaranteed. I stay in the moment and stay grateful for what I have. I am thankful I am as good as I am considering the circumstances. [The doctors] told my mom that I wouldn’t make it through the night but I kept living.”

Fast forward to 1996, Andre became a Fort Wayne resident after moving from Indianapolis. He moved to be closer to family and has now lived in Fort Wayne for about 26 years. He got connected to the Adult Day Services (ADS) program at Turnstone by connecting with a social worker who helped him enroll in the program.

“I remember my first day here it was kind of like my first day of school again. I was nervous because I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was able to adapt and make friends quickly,” Andre said.

Andre has been coming to Turnstone for 21 years and has watched the growth of the organization and facility firsthand. Though Turnstone may not be exactly the same as it was two decades ago, Andre has seen how Turnstone’s mission has remained the same.

“[Turnstone] has come a long way since first started here. I still enjoy coming to Turnstone. I have a lot of memories here. The clients are funny and I enjoy visiting with them,” said Andre with a smile.

The friendships that Andre has gained at Turnstone over the years have helped him feel supported and kept his mind sharp. Andre spends his days at Turnstone socializing with fellow ADS clients and doing activities. He also takes advantage of the fitness center and enjoys being able to lift weights and use the NuStep Machine.

“Turnstone is a good place that does a lot of good for people,” said Andre. “You can get stronger and get better… you can do whatever you set your mind to do here.”

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